Такси 268 Запорожье, Одесса, К

by taxi510

Auto & Vehicles


The application makes it possible to order a taxi in Zaporozhye, a taxi in Kharkov, a taxi in Odessa, a taxi in Kiev, a taxi in Dnepropetrovsk, a taxi in Kremenchug, a taxi in Lviv, a taxi in Cherkassy, ​​a taxi in Chernigov, a taxi in Belaya Tserkov, a taxi in Nikolaev, a taxi in Mariupol. If you do not know the address from where to go or where, you can indicate on the map. Your current location is also substituted. When placing an order, you immediately see the fixed cost of the trip. Car delivery usually takes three minutes or more.In the near future we will add other cities of Ukraine. You can contact the dispatcher by clicking the "Call dispatcher" button.In Odessa, Zaporozhye, Kharkov, Kiev and Yuzhny you can call the dispatcher by phone 268. You will be called back immediately. Direct numbers:MTC + 38-095-704-33-94kyivstar + 38-067-750-51-18Life + 38-063-209-55-03Inertelecom + 38-094-0000-510In other cities, dispatching phone numbers are listed in the appendix.For drivers, contact tel. 093-722-34-94 Irina. We worked for a long time to make a taxi order service for you, and finally we did it. Here it is - "Taxi 268". Try it! You should like it. We tried very hard.